Welcome! Let's take a look at "How to create a REST API with Python and FastAPI framework"π. API is essential for building a multi-layer application structure, so choosing the right framework for your API can make the performance of your application robust. FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), a web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints ( source ). It is written in Python with Starlette and Pydantic as a base. Big bull companies like Microsoft, Uber, Netflix, etc. have already started using FastAPI. One of the reasons why I like FastAPI is because of the automatic interactive documentation. It will auto-generate Swagger documentation (not only Swagger but also Redoc) for you without any trouble of writing additional code. Let's Begin Coding... Prerequisites: Python 3.6+ (and how to use itπ) pip (if already installed then ignore) Install FastAPI from pypi using pip, you also need to install an ASGI server. pip inst...
Anonymous function means that function which does not have a name, so now we can simply say function without having a name is lambda function. To create a normal function in python we need to use the def keyword and while creating the lambda function we need to use the lambda keyword. Hope you have got a brief idea of what is lambda in Python. Normal Function: Lambda Function: Output: Output from normal function: 25 Output from lambda function: 25 Here above-defined both function is returning the same thing but using lambda function we will be removing the uses of keywords like def, return and also we are reducing the number of lines, You can use any number of argument as you want but the expression should be only one. Lambda function does not require a return statement because it returns the expression itself directly. Where ever you need one expression with any number of arguments you can use the lambda function without even assigning the vari...